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Image by aldi sigun


Include created vocabulary, strategic trajectory, characters, aesthetics, Key Performance Indicators, ROI, Customer Acquisition Cost, Google & Analytics, etc. 

Marketing Plans are essential to accomplishing Marketing Objectives

But how are they configured?

What should you know?

According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Marketing Plan is a written plan, usually in-depth, describing all activities involved in achieving a particular marketing objective, and their relationship to one another in both time and importance. The Marketing Plan can be considered as a road map to your ultimate Marketing destination.


A Marketing Plan should not be confused with a Business Plan.

Think of it this way… the Business Plan is the house and the Marketing Plan is only one room.


A Marketing Plan is not a document that can/should be completed quickly. It takes training and patience, insight and understanding of the market your company operates in and it requires the combining of existing factors with ingenuity, innovation and revolutionary strategies.


A Marketing Plan’s trajectory must include achieving set Marketing Objectives along the way. It must never offer a simple tactic, such as just using an end tool like social media but it must validate its strategies and processes via the solutions presented.




But how are they configured?

Our Marketing Plan consists of 6 major Sections:

  1. Where are you now?

  2. Where do you want to get to?

  3. How can we get you there?

  4. What Resources would your company need to get there?

  5. How can your company create value?

  6. Implementation, Analysis & Control


You are welcome to download our Marketing Plan Outline.

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